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U2 Set List: Belfast 1


U2 returned to the stage Wednesday night for the first of two shows in Belfast -- the band's first shows after the recent terrorist attacks forced the cancellation of last weekend's planned shows in Paris. And by all accounts, tonight's show was as emotional a return to the stage as you'd expect. Bono referenced the attacks several times throughout the show, and repeated the call for mercy toward refugees that he's been making throughout the European tour. A high point Wednesday night came during the encore when the entire arena was lit in the colors of the French flag, while the recent Eiffel Tower-themed peace symbol showed on the video screen with the fan-created hashtag #StrongerThanFear.

There were other tributes and changes during the show, so check out our Belfast #1 recap and setlist if you need to catch up. U2 is back on stage at the SSE Arena on Thursday.