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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by Mare 139

I saw the show last nite May 18th and I must say that U2 is definately the band of our generation. They embody the classic rock and roll musicianship tossed in with a lil Punk and flavored with a lot of soul- it is a genuine extention of music that is the catalouge of us as a people. I was moved by U2's pledge and plea for human issues beyond the usual give a helping hand cry, it was more far reaching and soulful in their messages. As far as the Bank Robbers- they rocked it, the whole expierience seemed genuine and moving, it made me more of a U2 fan. It is humble gestures like that which will transfix those young men and hopefully they'll carry the same goodwill U2 offered them to other people in their lives.

I have always wanted to see U2 and this opportunity did not disappoint, it was inspiring and motivating.

If U2 reads this I would like you to know that your efforts beyond music have resonated in many of us over the years in such a manor that the paradigm has started to shift ever so slightly ever so steadily. As you have been given the unknown soldiers torch to light the way for the us in the dark we will follow in voice, conciousness, in opposition to and in spite of governments, plauges and excuses we shall overcome this day.

One love-

Mare 139

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