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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by Merit

I'm 13, love U2, and was lucky enough to experience such an event. Being that I was one of the younger people there, compared,I was greeted with a "Hey, aren't you a little young for this concert?" my answer? "Your never too young for U2" I also was towered by All kinds of people sharing a common interest in U2's music. Their music brought people together and at the time was much needed, because of the 9/11 attacks.
I went with my brother who was just inspired by the "One" performence. He was mainly there for the opening act "Garbage" but still inspired. Yeh your probably saying to yourself What does this pubesent teenager know about u2 Well I know that U2 has a stage presence like no other, has truley truley heartfelt music and Want to change the world. And you know what they've changed my world forever!

Thanks U2 I admire you

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