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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by Jennifer Morrell

Dear U2Tours,

You left off several songs from the set list of last nights U2 concert In Honolulu. "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" was played with "Rock the Casbaugh". "Bullet the Blue Sky" was played with "Father Abraham", "Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "Hands That Built America".

I thought you would like to know!

Jennifer Morrell

It was an AWESOME conert. It was my very first U2 concert and I was blown away. I lost my voice from singing along with every song and my feet are killing me from jumping and dancing for 2 hours and 20 minutes. I was so excited when the concert started that it actually was brought to tears. I travelled 9,367 miles to go to this concert and it was worth it!

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