U2Tours.com is a free fansite, and it is our intention to keep it that way. We value our role in the U2 community and strive to provide the best experience we can. Our team understands how passionate fans are about U2 and their live shows.
However, hosting and maintaining the site is not without cost. We know that many readers would prefer not to see advertisements or be bothered by calls for contributions. So, if you'd like to contribute to our efforts and help keep the lights on at U2Tours.com, you are welcome to drop a "tip in the jar" below. Any funds you might chip in will be used solely for the site, specifically to cover hosting costs, maintenance fees, and memberships. It does not go to us personally in any way. In other words, we won't be buying concert tickets with your money.
Any contributions are appreciated to help us offset these costs. Even the smallest amount helps. You may contribute by clicking the PayPal button here:
Thank you for your patronage and support of U2Tours.com. We'll see you out on tour!