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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by Michael (piano guy/wild horses
For the 2nd time in my life...yes, SECOND....a dream has come true.
First it was St. Louis with Yahweh.....
now, Honolulu....Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
This was the single most amazing experience of my entire Hawaii Trip....(and it's not even over yet...i'm still in Kauai)
if anyone wants to know why I was being so "specific" as Bono put it....this is what happened.
I brought a sign asking to play "Wild Horses"....
Well, as "Angel of Harlem" is ending, Bono's playing his harmonica RIGHT over me....he see's my sign.
He stops and then just starts asking me to come on up on stage...
I quickly pointed out on my sign that it said "Wild Horses". But the security guy just threw me up on stage! haha
Bono puts his arms around me and ask "So you play piano?"
Thats when I was "FRANTICALLY" telling him "yes yes, but I can't play this...I've only practiced "Wild horses"
Bono looks at me and says "Bahh, you can play this!" (meaning Angel)....
and i'm like "No no no no!!! I can't. I promise! I don't know how to play that!"
Bono stops and just starts laughing and then tells Edge "Edge! I have a gentlement that is being very SPECIFIC.
The rest is history.....greatest time i've ever had at a concert.
I actually still haven't heard any audio of it so i'm waiting to get back home to do that. I hope it sounded half way OK.
I know i messed up once when they went into the "Bridge" and I hadn't realized they had yet because, just like St. Louis, i had trouble hearing Bono over the music. Edge starts shouting "GO TO "D"!!"
anyway, afterwards I told both of them that I was the same guy and they both just looked kinda shocked and laughed.
Well...obviously..if ANYONE has Photographs or Video....PLEASE PLEASE email them to me.
thanks so much!!!! This was the greatest U2 show i've seen out of the 10.....and it's not just because of this.
God bless
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |