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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by "Shay"
There's nothing new to add to what's already been said. I really liked the post just before mine and other standouts (but I've lost track). I just want to reiterate the points I really agree with. The too bad,the good God, and the shoulda coulda:
Too bad...Bono didn't have the time or interest in mentioning the conception of "Pride" in Hawaii. Already feeling outnumbered by the welcome visitors, it would have been a nice personalizing touch. PJ playing Hawaii '78 couldn't have been topped, but it would have been a nice history lesson for those who didn't know.
Good God...what happened to the church of U2? Where were the "hallelujahs!", "the goal is soul", "we want to turn this into a cathedral", "thanks to the Almighty", 40, Yahweh, and Bad songs go? I'd rather Bono be sincere than fake his way through these things of course. So better, not fake, than sorry. I'm just left wondering where his spiritual head is at, because I wanted to be "elevated" higher, but I can't expect him to do all the lifting if he's not up to it. (Pardon the puns, they came too easily.) So I was left to just truly enjoy a U2rock show for what it (musically) is. And that was still an amazing thing and a new perspective.
Shoulda coulda...bowed at the feet of Ed. I was sooooo blown away by PJ. My first time seeing them live and the awesome power of E.V.'s voice left me so awestruck I finally "got it" about PJ.
When the "We love the Edge!" was being yelled, I wanted the gesture returned in kind to Vedder as "We love Ed!" I was screaming it. At least I tried to get it going...
I can't wait for more U2 shows...with or without the churchy hype... I just love this band. My brain wave patterns have been formed early on to the sound of their music since 14 in '85. Although there are songs I hate like "Vertigo" and "All Because of You", there's always new songs seemingly predestined to have a place in the soundtrack of my life like Original of the Species and Yahweh. Can't wait for a new album and more shows. Aloha to all fellow and future fans... ("Aloha", try it, it's not just for tourists.)
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |