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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by Duq

Very mixed feelings about this show. Support act Snow patrol were a nice surprise as I'd never heard them before. I was very happy with Out of control (even if Bono got the lyrics wrong ;-) rather than I will follow, but disappointed they skipped All I want is you. After Sometimes... it all went down hill for me.
Bono's preaching was a bit much; we got the London bombing, Theo van Gogh, the G8, Father Abraham, Coexist, human rights... To make matters worse a few songs were lost in the horrible acoustics. Please guys, NEVER play this Arena again! Bullet the blue sky was a mess, Zoo station even worse. Edge was clearly enjoying himself, but I couldn't hear what he was doing half the time. Strangely some songs sounded great, others were a nightmare.
It seemed like Zoo station was only there to lead into the Fly, which in turn was only there for the No Lies message...
Still, I had a great night. The lights and effects were brilliant and Bono's voice was as good as I've ever heard it.

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