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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
I was in the Heart -- I took photos. Please see my pictures page at:
I would post the picutres here, but there are size (50k) limitations, resolution limitations (450 x 450), and a maximum of 5 photos per post. I have a few dozen, of various sizes and resolutions, so having a separate photo page was the way to go, here. I'll try to post my favorite photo from the show here, but please go to the page listed above to see the rest of my shots.
The show was awesome -- I think the phots speak for themselves -- enjoy, and feel free to write me with your comments. I went to two concerts on the tour -- San Diego & Anaheim #2. If I had to choose one over the other, I'd say I far preferred San Diego -- the crowd was much more into itin San Diego. In Anaheim, no-name celebrities were crowding the Heart and not dancing or showing any enthusisam -- they killed the mood. Hope that doesn't happen in other big cities (Chicago, Boston, NYC).
Thanks for looking.
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A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |