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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by Bob Meurer

What a fantastic show! My wife and I were 3 deep outside the elipse GA and the energy was incredible,..... the entire night. I believe the band really appreciated it. Adam was smiling, alot, and even Larry cracked a few! It was truly a birthday celebration. As Bono mentioned, this day 29 years ago, a band was formed in Larry Mullen Jr's kitchen. Two other notable announcements Bono shared, today the G8 has agreed to drop all oustanding debt for the world's poorest countries, and tomorrow the IRA will turn in and/or destroy all of it's weapons,...... seemed Bono and the boys were feeling pretty good.
Bono hit the operetic of "Miss Sarajevo" on the mark. A couple of humorous moments, Bono came in a bit early on one song and forgot the verse for "White Horses" on the tip of the elipse only to get helped out by the Edge, and with grins were back on track. They were having fun with it and the fans as well. Other than that, the music was excellent. I've never been to a concert where the fans sang along and at times outsang Bono through many of the songs.
"Everybody was having",.... and had a good time! Thanks U2, Happy Birthday and looking forward to a couple more.

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