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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by John ''The Sheriff'' Harris

Bubblin' Dublin' 2nd night and what a show!!! The boys were back in town alright, this was sure a feel good show. The cameras were rolling and the only info i could get was that "Its for a DVD"!!!
Was great to hear 'Out Of Control'as 2nd song, the band played 'UTEOTW' during sound check so i thought is was gonna be that, I guess the Monday crowd will get that for 2nd song. We decided to stand back for this show and take in everything in from centre back of the front section. The sound was louder than other shows and the sound was good.
Im gonna save the long review for 'ELEVATOR' Fanzine, heres a few photos enjoy.

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