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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by Vorsprung
First of all: Arnhem 3 was great, really amazing, can't describe the feeling.
I was up front (about 3 meters from the catwalk) and the sound there was really, really good, especially after Elevation and Beautiful Day. Also, bono's voice was as far as I could hear it in top shape. Except maybe for Walk On, but hey, give the guy a break.
During UTEOW Bono first pulled up one photographer on the catwalk and a little while later some six or seven more and starts playing with them and their cameras. They followed him around the catwalk like donkeys with a carrot hanging for its nose.
Kite was dedicated to a journalist (can't remember his name)from OOR Magazine (Dutch music magazine), which according to Bono was the first time ever they dedicated a song to a journalist. At the end of the song instead of singing "The last of the rock stars, when hiphop drove the big cars", he sang something like "The last of the Rockbitch, we don't know how we do it" (Rockbitch is a female porn-metal-band, with a very explicit porn-element during their shows)
Before Gone Bono shouts out 'Herman Brooooood!' and the song starts. This song was for me one of the highlights of the show, musically probably THE highlight since it was played simply perfect. Other highlights of the show were Out of Control, Elevation and (of course) Where The Streets Have No Name.
Before In a Little While Bono starts talking about the day before when they visited the Studio of Herman Brood and watched the artwork he made just before his death. He then gets really pissed off at people who are saying Herman Brood was just a junkie and an advertisment for drugs, adding that he wasn't a happy at all. Then, very emotional: "For fuck's sake. The man died!! That can't be an advertsiment for drugs!!" In a Little While starts.....
During Mysterious Ways Bono brings a female fan on stage, but instead of only dancing with him, she runs away from him and starts dancing wildly on the stage and Bono had this really funny look in his eyes that said 'What the F*** is happening here', really cool.
Also the rest of concert was very intense with a very passionate Bono. It was just simply unbelievable and very much above all expectations.
After the concert the speakers played Herman Brood's version of 'My Way' which was given a great reception
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |