A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
March 11, 1981: Maple Leaf Ballroom, Toronto, Canada
March 11, 1982: Atlanta Civic Center, Atlanta, GA
March 11, 1983: St. David's Hall, Cardiff, Wales
March 11, 1985: Neal S. Blaisdell Center, Honolulu, HI
March 11, 1989: National Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
March 11, 1998: Osaka Dome, Osaka, Japan
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by donna
At precisely 9pm, a fellow came out onto the catwalk/ramp with a microphone and introduced himself as Nobody. He informed us that there was a minor problem with the third video screen hanging over the stage and as soon as it was fixed, the show would be a go. This ‘Nobody’ was the same fellow who had directed the audience of 4000 the night before for the video shoot of City of Blinding Lights. (and he’s funny, and witty and sounds exactly like Mel Gibson!)
True to his word, as soon as the screen kicked back in, the lights went down and the excitement level went up about 100%. The show opened with City of Blinding Lights and although it was as good as or better than the night before, the audience of 20,000+ seemed to be making much less noise than the measly 4000 on Wednesday night’s video shoot. I had a moment of doubt that the audience would not be participating much all evening, but that thought was forgotten as the song ended and the audience went wild.
Barely before we could catch our breath, the band broke into Beautiful Day, followed by Vertigo and Elevation. When Bono sang the ‘ooh-ooh’ in Elevation, he’d point at the audience and we all sang our hearts out in reply. It was fabulous.
Gloria was next, and I’ve never heard this song live before. It was amazing. The lighting on the stage was dimmer, more serene than it had been for the previous songs and it fitted with the spirituality of the song perfectly.
Miracle Drug - Bono told us ‘as well as our faith in God and each other, I want us to have faith in science.’ He also said that ‘God can inspire nurses and doctors’ to which the audience cheered very loudly.
Bono took of his glasses for Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own. All four video screens focused on him (instead of each of the four band members) and it was very moving and powerful. The screens behind the band showed a man walking and Bono often looked at this man as if he were looking at his father. I was nervous about him hitting the high note in the song, but he nailed it, and held it, and it was poignant.
From here I don’t remember what order the songs were in, I was to into the show to keep track, but I do remember bits and pieces that made a huge impression:
-people have been saying that ‘The Edge is on fire’ – he was truly on fire for Bullet the Blue sky….he was so into it and so was the audience!
-Pride – the audience sang, Bono motioned for the band to stop playing and the audience sang still. I’ve only ever seen this happen on video and tonight I was part of the singing. It gave me goosebumps to hear it.
-Love and Peace – the bass went through the floors, the walls, and each and everyone of us standing in the stadium! Bono on the drum! Bono’s Coexist headband….’read - my - head’ Bono implored us as we watched him on the video screen. We did read. Will we listen?
-BAD! I am not easily emotionally moved, but the first two notes from The Edge’s guitar were instantly recognizable and my eyes misted over immediately. Every other concert thus far, BAD has been played the second night, and I was not able to attend the second night. I had no illusions of ever hearing my ‘absolute most favorite U2 song’ live. Ever. IT was brilliant and I was laughing and crying at the same time, and could easily have gone home after that song satisfied . Good thing I didn’t.
The show was phenomenal. Bono’s voice was in good form, and although he struggled a few times hitting the high notes he continued to give it his best, to the point of unconsciously clutching his throat a few times after giving it his all for us. The sound was amazing. Even my husband, who’s hearing is hindered after years of construction, said he had no problem hearing about 90% of the lyrics.
The highlight of the evening though, without a doubt, had to be during the song One. A group of about 300 Vancouver fans all donned a white t-shirt with the word ONE on the front and the One and Make Poverty History website addresses on the back as Bono began to sing. The sudden show of white was a show of solidarity and support, a lending of their voices to the cause. A young girl was able to give Bono a ONE t-shirt and he put it on over top of what he was already wearing, then invited her and about 4 others up on stage to finish the song. It was amazing to see a row of ONE shirts all standing arm in arm, linked not just in body but in spirit! What would be more amazing is if this were to spark a fire in every city on the tour.
All in all this was the best U2 concert I’ve ever been to. The songs chosen were uplifting and the boys were in top form and I’d go again in a heartbeat.
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A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |