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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
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by Tom
(A few days later, but I hope the pics make up for it, thanks to those who asked). :)
So, U2 night #2 for Vertigo in Canada. And who would believe that it just keeps getting better?! Tonight we were much further ahead in the floor lineup which meant getting to the stage earlier. No luck with the Ellipse tonight sadly so we staked out a spot on the right outer edge, this being Bono's side. Good choice as it turned out.
Suffered through KOL (they are terrible) and the show started on time. The U2Tours summary was right, the crowd was much more aggressive tonight and we got pushed into each other a lot all night but who cares - the view was amazing!! City of Blinding Lights launched us again and tonight you could see the cameras come out. Video cameras that is... a big boom one behind us, one on rails inside the Ellipse and a third one that got carried on the stage at certain points (see photos). Dare we dream that you'll see us live on TV? "You didn't come here to watch TV now did ya?!"
Let's get to the highlights of tonight's show then. Like the Boy trilogy! A banner of the Boy album cover came down and the band treated me (old skool fanboy) to the songs that first turned me into a U2-fanatic, years after they came out. Electric Co. was great but I really tripped out on An Cat Dubh (the black cat) and the song after that merges Into The Heart. DAMN I loved hearing these songs live - absolutely incredible!! It's really hard to explain how much hearing these meant to me. Bono sat on the edge of the ramp, near the front and sang alone in the spotlight, finally lying down as if the effort had been intense. The reaction when they finished the Boy trilogy was big, at least on the floor amongst the hardcore faithful. :)
Skipping ahead to Miracle Drug, Bono took the time to explain the inspiration behind the song and the story of a boy from their old school (Temple Mount in Dublin naturally) who was paralysed. Then one day he was given a pill and he was able to move his head enough to make motions, and they gave him something that allowed him to type. The boy went on to write incredible poems and those were eventually published. A true miracle drug indeed. Keep meaning to mention that Larry has a headset on during this song and fills in with some great "Heyy ohhh"'s during the bridge in the song!
You would think that up to this point the concert had been pretty special, but it just got better. As you know, the next song, Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own, has a BIG emotional climax in it when Bono hits the high notes. Imagine our amazement and delight when he stopped right in front of US to sing that part!! Once again, I was treated to the sound of Bono's voice WITHOUT amplification, where you can see him singing just a bit ahead of the sound that came out of the speakers. And was it incredible... "Can - you - hear - me - when - I - siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!". With the microphone in one hand and the other hand pressed to his earpiece he hit the note perfectly - and I think the girls in front of us died at the same time - I don't blame them one bit. :)
But it doesn't end here! Next Larry came out and beat on the drum for Love & Peace or Else, camera crew firmly in tow. They were right up on stage behind Larry filming him bashing out the beat on a single drum, while Bono stood centre stage at the tip of the Ellipse and sang it. At one point Bono brought the mic over and they sang together - awesome! Larry looked pretty cool lit up in the red spotlights shining from the stage in this segment.
Next was the JT songs SBS, BTBS and RTSS. Can't say much to top things so far but it was again excellent to hear Edge noodling on the interludes in Bullet. After that Pride (lots of oh-ohh-oh's), Streets (what can you say, nothing will ever replace the power of this song in their live show) and One. Nice to see they got the right area code onscreen for the phone number in Ottawa tonight so that when Bono asked everyone to pull out their dangerous devices (cell phones that is) they might at least reach the Prime Minister's office (not some poor guy in Nashville, ha!!)
Moving ahead to the encores then, we were pretty tired by now. It was HOT in the front rows of the floor, but don't get me wrong, I was having too much fun to complain. Tonight I found the space to just let go and immerse myself in the whole experience. I wish I could find that space more often in times of trouble or doubt.
Zoo Station rocked, the Fly rocked even harder (I will always love that solo), and Mysterious Ways grooved. Adam is just so much smoother with time, I don't know how he keeps improving on perfection but he does. Edge came out to the tip of the Ellipse during these songs and treated us to another playoff with Bono, so much like they used to in the Achtung/Zooropa days.
A couple more songs then, with All Because of You coming in strong. My new favorite moment in this song is when Bono screams a big "WOW" before the guitar solo. Tonight, I screamed right along with him in delight. :)
During the encore break a portable keyboard stand rose up on the tip of the Ellipse, looking like an un-burning cross in the red orange glow from the front stage. Turns out that would be Larry Mullen Jr's spot, and he stood perfectly still, head bowed before the band began playing Yahweh. Edge walked from the other side with an acoustic guitar, with Bono in between him and Adam on Larry's left. UNBELIEVABLE - all four members right in front of me. Very surreal, and very cool. Oh, and I've got the pics to prove it. :)
Finally we wrapped again with 40, and tonight I found my voice and strength to sing it right out. When it was only Larry left on stage keeping time, we kept on singing. When the lights dimmed we kept singing. When Larry hit the last powerful boom, we kept singing. And when the house lights came up we kept signing just a little bit longer. Bono said earlier "We don't want to leave this city", needless to say we didn't want them to go either.
So two nights of magic in a row, on a tour that (hard to believe!) they will be pushing for the rest of the year and probably beyond. You have to give U2 credit - they put everything into the performance every night - and deliver 23 songs from an incredible catalog of emotion, spirituality, power, love and beauty. Thanks guys - you ARE truly the best band in the world, period. :)
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A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |