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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by Brett
I agree that u2 is always better the 2nd nite they play the same city, plus they usually pull out a surprise. The surprise of San Jose 2 was Original of the Species (like they played Kite for the first time at the 2nd SJ show last tour). It was a thrill to hear the song for the first time live...And, it needs some work. I just hope they give the song a chance to work itself out like they did with Kite last tour. Kite became one of the strongest songs on Elevation tour(just look at the Slane DVD)..whereas they also played the sweetest thing early in the last tour and it never seemed to take off..
Here are my observations of San Jose 2...Spoilers to follow so don't read if u want to be surprised. First, the sound wasn't great. Bono was constanly drowned out by the band..Still, I thanked Joe O'H after the show. Second, the band isn't on their game yet..I bet they will be much tighter in another month.....Love and Peace actually works to open the show, with the band pointing spotlights at the audience.
Songs that worked: vertigo - gets crowd going, song was built to play live and it rocks;
elevaton- wasn't sure this song should be on this tour after being tied so closely to last..but was surprisingly very good.
cry/electric co., an cat dubh/into the heart- true treats for the early fans and those who love under blood red sky era..play more songs from this era...!
beautiful day- has become a staple as it should be, gets the casual fan into show and still sounds great to serious fans.
Miracle Drug- references the pope, and Bono shows the rosary that the pope gave him. Great song, sounds just as good live.
Sometimes you can't make it- was worried bono might not hit the notes but he delivers and provides one of concert's tendor moments.
running to stand still- dedicates to american soldiers...one of the best songs by far of show..this should stay on the set list
One- had lost some of its effect last tour but Bono asks the crowd to hold up their cell phones..and it was quite a sight as you looked around the arena and saw all those screens in the dark(much better than holding up lighters)..One captured the essence of the show and was truly beautiful...this version is right up there with the best versions of One..Plus, Bono's sincerity really comes thru.
Mysterious Ways- sexy, sounded great...Bono pulls girl from audience (Iris was her name) and Iris really dances up a show with Bono..another show highlight
40- all's right in the world...u2 closes the show the way they always should..with Bono leaving the rosary (from the pope) on the mike stand as he leaves the stage. Adam and the edge do the traditional instrument switch
What didn't work: city of blinding lights didnt have the impact I thought it would and was just ok.
New year's day/ sunday bloody sunday: i love these songs, but live they have grown stale
Bullet, the fly- both songs should be put on the shelf for a tour or two
Streets- as bono has said, when they play this song live, its like god walks through the room...no red background nor house lights this time...still love the song, even more so live...but somehow was disappointed by this version.
all because of you- sound was terrible at this show...I bet this song picks up strength as tour progresses.
undecided on Pride. song is tired but very relevant to the message of this tour...Original of species was a treat to hear live for first time as I said...but needs work
Yahweh- was missing something...wasnt bad but needs to sound better even if they keep it as an accoustic song
A couple of other notes. Not sure the "fan club" line is better. I got to arena at 4pm for a 7:30 start and was number 131 in line. By the time I got to the floor, the crowd was 3 rows deep. Plus, if you bring a non fanclub member like your wife, they can't stand in your line with you..... I was disappointed that the band stayed back on the main stage for most of the night, not using the ellipse much.... The band has left the zoo tv/ pop irony behind. It seems like they have taken some of the 80's era anger and melded it with the love message of the elevation tour..coming up with a direct appeal to its fans to act, if not from anger than from compassion for all people. I've never seen Pride/Streets/One used in such an effective way to bring across their message..While these versions might not be as good to the long-time fan...the message hits home, as never before. So, this concert wasn't as good from a setlist/entertainment value compared to the elvation tour. San Jose 2 from elevation trumps San Jose 2 from Vertigo...But, the band's sincerity, concern for humanity and honesty has never shined more brightly than on this tour...and, to me, that's what a U2 show should leave you with... God bless em.
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |