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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by fat-toni
Well, just when I thought I'd seen all U2 had to offer....they suprise me again! Just 2 hours ago I was sitting in Section 233 at MSG, feeling elevated once again. I won't go on about all the highlights, but my god what a performance! I had fought online for hours (hell, even days including that pre-sale and all) and finally scored some tix for the Sat. show, even though they were not the "first choice" seats. No matter; what I witnessed tonight erased any thought in my mind of "I wish I had better seats". As you've already read on the setlist, they played an acoustic version of Please (happens to be my 2nd favorite U2 song) which was unbelievable! I thought it couldn't get any better than the striking electric version on Popmart, but this version was just as good in a completely different way. Plus, now it became a Please/Bad/Streets combo which is simply amazing. I found out later that during ISHFWILF a fan proposed to his girlfriend( I'm pretty sure she said yes). I only saw Bono toss his mic into the crowd and couldn't read what the sign he was holding said. I thought the fan was too scared to sing, cause I couldn't hear anything.
As people have indicated before, One is simply moving and a real emotional rollercoaster. I was looking for Amazing Grace or Unchained Melody at the end of it, but they just went into the Peace On Earth/Walk On medley, which was fantastic. I thought for sure a few FDNY or NYPD would make an appearance in NY, but they just kept coming out, and then walked around the heart while Walk On was playing. Some were giving tributes to their friends and family they lost, others plucked American and Irish flags from the crowd and displayed them among chants of USA. Then Bono said something like "Here's our first single" and they bust into OOC. THAT song at that moment was worth the price of admission alone! I've got to hand it to the GA section, you all were movin'! I'm really glad I got to see them play it this time around. After OOC the band quietly exited the stage and each Fireman and EMT worker got up to the mic to say a few thanks and praise NYC (and especially the Ironworkers) for all the support they had given. The coolest part was that last guy who asked people to stick around for a minute while he said his thanks. The house lights came on, and most of the people didn't move. It didn't matter about beating the crowds or getting outside to call your friends, most people just stuck around to hear this one guy say thank you and express his feelings. I've never seen as many fans dedicated to the music and the meaning than at a U2 concert. Thanks for being a part of it with me.
Anyway, sorry to run on and on. I thought the show was simply amazing, despite the absence of WOWY and IALW. With the extra song and extended Walk On, the show ran over two hours, which is fine with me. I can't wait to spend some more hard earned cash on a rock and roll show! Peace.
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A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |