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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
Well I was really looking forward to this show. It came at the perfect time for me - Right before starting a new job! It was a really great show. The entire band was amazing. I have the complete opposite feeling from the show than the review from "wolfwill23" - who said it may have been a bit routine on Bono's part, and was pleasantly surprised by a great crowd. I thought Bono and the band all had some GENUINE, spontaneous, reactionary, and unique moments sprinkled throughout the show, which elevated it to another level DESPITE a miserably pathetic crowd. Great spontaneous moments that was sparked by Bono who seemed to be looking around for things to get the crowd into it: "Stuck In A Moment" was a on spot call by Bono. it was inserted between "Sometimes" and "Love and Peace Or Else" It was a nice little surprise out of the order. Now Streets has reached that majestic otherworldly euphoria it always has live. Can't Help Falling in Love sung by Bono, and calling Elvis up tot the stage. The way Bono was able to keep the crowd into "Who's Gonna Ride your WIld Horses" desptie continuous technical Deifficulty - turnign a negative into a positive, and even joking about it, and aadlibbing lyrics.. Adding a snippet of the Killers' "All That You Can't Lave Behind" to the end of Beautiful Day" (Vegas being their hometown) His reaction to the crowd's thunderous recpetion of "Streets" These moments, which were sparked by Bono reacting and improvising are what made the shwo great, despite the worst crowd I have EVER been in, in 12 U2 shows. Every single sing along (Elevation, Still Havent Found, Stuck In A Moment, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Pride, Walk On, and 40 Bono really had to coax the crowd repeatedly to sing and they barely responded... the worst singalong for every single one of these songs I've ever witnessed at a U2 concert) The band and Bono performed brillaintly and gave so much but got very little back from this crowd - except for Streets. The band all were amazing. Bono was PERFECT on every single song - specifically "Soemitmes You Can't Make It On Your Own, Beautiful Day, Miracle Drug, One, and esp Miss Sarejevo. Miracle Drug, Sometimes, Streets, and Electric Co have come sooooo far since the LA shows at the beginning of the tour. Miracle Drug was already amazing live byt hat point,but its even better now. Although Streets was great in those shows at the beginning of the tour, it was still not as good as on previos tours. 9.5 out fo 10 for the Band 2 out of 10 for the Crowd (and they only got 2 because of Streets and Elvis, and The perfect family who sat behind us)
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |