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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
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by tim
U2 in the Motor City has always been a very special time. With a 24 year history of U2 in the REAL home of Rock n’ Roll; Detroit; The Motor City; Motown…and all good things that RAWK……..U2’s 2nd show at the Palace of Auburn Hills last night should have been a continuum of their special hold on Detroit…..but as one reviewer has already noted……”something was missing”.
On a personal level, it was a very special night, but not for musical reasons. This was the very 1st show that this Dad was blessed enough to share with his two sons Timmy & Josh. Having scored 3 seats just 6 rows behind the stage….thanks to the technology of cyberspace…..and the gracious use of a brother’s credit card…(he’s been paid)….we waited for over 6 months....foaming with anticipatory fervor to Kick Out The Jams with our Brothers In Arms from Dublin.
Prior experience had proven these were great seats; having partaken of the U2 experience on the "Elevation" tour in the same venue; from the same vantage
point…..this was sure to be a Special Night. As a musician… (rhythm electric & acoustic guitar)…fortunate enough to be that close, in front of the audience, with all that energy……… is downright transcendent resulting in a veritable convergence of sonic power.
The set list was great, with some great nuggets thrown in for good measure…..including a snippet from a Patti Smith/Fred Smith jam…..”People Have The Power”. Bono was Bono…..usually a forgivable affair….given his flair for passionate discourse. Tonight’s “passion” seemed more like superfluous hyperbole’ to cover-up a lack of punch from the band. For instance……
• Bono half-apologized for the plastic pants he wore on those dreadful outings (in the 90’s) “……but I had a lot of fun in those pants!” Groovy. I’m sure his wife is thrilled
• He later offered a heart-felt expression of gratitude for U2’s relationship with Detroit; how special it has been, and…..”How good you treat us in Detroit”. That righteous Motor City Soul birthed in the belly of the auto factories that touring bands sense when playing here is well noted in the annals of Rock N’ Roll. It’s too bad that U2 did not reciprocate that special treatment at this show in Detroit.
• His one attempt to raise the octane and pump up the crowd (himself?) was embarrassing as he flailed on Larry’s kettle drum at the edge of the elipse. I mean…..c’mon dude….if you’re gonna’ do that…..really go for it and smash a guitar!
Though my sons were fully stoked by the show....with all THE LIGHTS….THE FLASH….THE RAZZLE….and the THE DAZZLE…...this writer....a surviving veteran of the Grande Ballroom; the MC5; the Stooges; the Goose Lake International Pop Festival; the Last Waltz; Springsteen @ Winterland in 78; Sonics Rendezvous Band at the Roadhouse in Ann Arbor; and a recent show by DKT/MC5; knows all to well, the difference between a bad show, a good show....or an anointed experience that lifts the FANS to that special place. While it was not a "bad" show.....it certainly fell woefully short of reaching the place that music alone, has the power to do. While there may be some sycophantic fans that might “Chernobyl” at hearing this, the contrast in energy level from the "Elevation" tour to this one.....was palpable.
Here’s why.
• No energy.....Bono looked, sang, danced, walked and reflected the countenance of a tired old dude who has been out on the road to long. No zip in his lyrics....without any pep in his step....straining to hit the high ones….defaulting to audience sing-alongs throughout the show…..in a futile attempt to catch his breath.
• Sound? Horrible......no other way to put it. Oh' I'm quite sure
it was fine in the front of the house.....but from our vantage
point....with no directional speaker(s) facing the HUNDREDS of FANS in the back of the stage.....the lyrics were muddy....the drums were weak.....and from this guitarist stand-point....the Edge was almost inaudible. That in itself constitutes sacrilegious Blasphemy.
• Bang for the Buck? Woefully inadequate and disproportionate to what the fans shelled out for this gig. In 2001, after a hard day at work, on the spur of the moment, I went to the Palace to catch the U2 Elevation show; scored a ticket for $45.00 in the same backstage area; and experienced one of the top 10 shows in a thousand-show life.
• The tab for a night of Vertigo? Do the math. After tickets, parking, three shirts, pop, (no alcohol-clean & sober-praise God) gas from Holland, etc., the tab came to over $600.00. Yeah, we know all the arguments for rising ticket prices & expenses, the tour costs, the employees, blah, blah, blah, ...But to go from 45 bones just 4 years to last night’s outrageous ticket price of $97.50 (plus surcharge) for a behind-the-stage seat is pretty whacked out. Especially for this un-employed rocker. Given the fact that while it may have sounded good in the ear buds for the Boys In the Band, there were no speakers pumpin’ out the jams to THE FANS. Wassup’ wid’ dat? HELLO! If you’re going to tour in the round….with a smaller stage….to maximize sales…..is it unreasonable to expect to HEAR THE BAND? Shyte!
Furthermore, When a band comes to Detroit....they'd best remember where they are, strap em’ on…..and be ready to Kick Out
The Jams!.....U2 did not even come close....Larry's drumming was
anemic...The Edge may have been playing good....but we did not hear
it....Bono was going through the motions.....while Adam was the only
guy who held down the bass with a deep, undistorted, pile-driving
intensity. Therein lies part of the problem.....not all of U2 fans
are wealthy baby-boomers. To expect this writer to shell out over 600
Benjamins.....to hear a bass groove pump......is just not right.
Oh’…….. and what the heck is with a price tag of $35.00 for a T-Shirt?
Further Random Notes;
In 2001 there was fire & anointing ....it was transcendent.....very spiritual.....& LOUD...the epitome’ of high energy Rock n' Roll.
Last night was pretty flaccid.
Bono, dig this man; you beat the Rosa Parks thing to death. Hey bro! We live here and are well aware of her bodacious contribution to justice.
You guys have become Big. Good for You! Big isn’t always better. You might try getting back to the Word and that place from whence He brought you….get back to the roots of R & B, Gospel & Worship……..go back to the garage band in your hearts. Try and remember the passion and joy! The joy of the Lord is our strength…..not a bunch of lights swirling around a stage of weak sound.
That reminds me…..as a Father of two young men…..who are wary of the counterfeit constraints of bogus religion…and it’s incumbent life-sucking . relationship with God, it is with gratitude that U2’s music resonates with the Christ in them. In 2001, the Bold Irish Soldiers of U2 ended “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” with a chorus of “HALLELUIAH!” What happened last night? The precious thing that separates U2 from the rest of the pack is an awareness that their power comes not from within, contrary to the humanistic psycho-babble that permeates our Rock N’ Roll Culture today. U2, un-intimidated by the PC forces of moral relativism that pollutes and dilutes much of what is passed for “entertainment” has always chosen The Road Less Traveled, and has been blessed for their humble obedience. Don’t forget that brothers & sisters.
As a major fan of U2....whose music has spoken to the very depths of my wretched soul, and having witnessed 1st hand, the power of their jams to penetrate and reach into my own sons hearts, it’s incumbent for all concerned to Fight the Good Fight and Finish Strong! If indeed, U2 is getting to big, they might consider downsizing or taking a break. If being with the President of the USA at lunch and sitting down with Jann Wenner is to much fuel for the ol’ hubris; if a three legged tour is just more than the ol’ bod can handle….that’s cool…..but don’t morph into the Who or the Stones and milk your FANS long beyond the point of being dangerous or challenging…..that is just not cool….and certainly not of Father. Amen?
C'mon U2!.....you can do better than this.....your concert......on
October 25th at the Palace of Auburn Hills....in the great state of
Michigan.....was a pretty low-octane affair. Okay, Okay, the point has been made….but THAT is what was missing last night “lost in the dessert”.
Things seemed more than just symptomatic of an “off night”. But dig this….ALL IS FORGIVEN…..no harm….no foul. “Gloria” did Rawk, velly, velly hard! To see my sons in a joyous frenzy of Dance….singing every lyric in off-key abandon…..savoring the moment…..made it all worth it on that level……and they shall be shielded from this constructive critique’. But Father Knows Best U2! You did not fool this Irish writer! Naughty, naughty! Hey, maybe you can redeem yourselves with Patti in New Yawk….and maybe consider having DKT/MC5 to open some of your remaining shows. My Brother Paul & Co., if you want to recharge your batteries……come on out to Lakeshore Vineyard in Holland for a “Fresh Wind” worship service we have on the 1st Friday of every month, when our commando worship leader, Jared Henderson (a humble young man if ever there was one…who happens to love your music)……has a lil’ sumpin’ sumpin’ from Father that’ll put some oil in your lamp.
I remain a loyal blood brother in the stormy night with a vow to defend….no retreat baby….no surrender. No slips, no trips, no crack, no smack
God Bless Your Hearts
Tim Hurley
Holland, Michigan
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |