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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by Eric Tomczak
Well...maybe I had too high of expectations...I am going to have to be one of the fans who was disappointed by the show.I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have been following this web site since Las Vegas and therefor knew all of the surprises. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan, and saw them in 1987 at the Orange Bowl and in 1992 at Joe Robbie Stadium and this was the worst of the three. I think the magic was missing. The pureness of the Joshua Tree tour was missing and the complexity of ZOO TV was also gone. I have watched the ZOO TV Live in Sydney Video at least 50 times and I still get goosebumps when Bono rises on to the stage, or the band strolls onto the catwalk for the first time, or when the screen goes red into Streets, or when I first hear the bassline to With or Without You...I looked over at my girlfriend during the middle of the show and told her that it just wasn't doing anything for me even though the crowd was really into it!
I arrived at the stadium at 3:30 and heard the whole soundcheck (New Years, Gone, Streets, Until the end of the world) minus Bono's voice. Smashmouth came on at 8:00 sharp and played a great set. Their music really filled the stadium well (though I would have preferred Rage Against the Machine or Oasis)...I was really disappointed with the selection of electronica music which I heard so much about was really lame (everything was straight off of the MTV AMP CD)...I guess this is because Howie B was off the tour. The Mission Impossible Theme was a nice tip off that the show was about to start. As soon as it ended the bassline from POP MUZIK thundered and I knew it was time. We had field seats in the back aisle so i was looking forward to seeing the band up close, however, they came through the side of the floor...Everything just seemed so quick, and I felt the screen had too many malfunctioning lights.
I was really disappointed that there was no connection with the crowd like at Zoo TV..Bono rarely spoke to the crowd and the songs just mashed together. Zoo TV at least played all of the new songs at first and then cut to the older classics which better set the mood. The band played great and I thought the Edge's guitar was perfect, but the sound was way too low and I could not hear Bono's vocals for the first four songs. I also did not notice the graphics that everyone was bragging about...did anyone else see the girl from Tombraider?...or the Transvestite/Pregnant bellydancer during "Mysterious Ways"?...I sure didn't. I also thought the graphics were not in sync with the music...especially during "Miami". The encore was pretty cool though because security was lax and we just walked up the B stage and saw everything up close and personal, although I thought "if God will send His Angels", and "Velvet Dress" were not good stadium songs.
On a good note, I did get to see Bono and the Edge after the show by the gates (It was 2AM by the time they came out!)...Bono casually walked out, but due to pressing fans and overly protective security, he hopped back in the truck and drove off. The Edge came out of his truck about 5 mins. later, and just posed for pictures. I was real close and got some nice shots as well as the chance to shake his hand. Larry and Adam were sitting in the passenger seats of both trucks respectively and could have at least waved to us (it would have made the whole day worthwhile)...Then again after seeing some of the 'loonies' that were hanging around and the current stalking situation with Adam I almost don't blame them...Well, that's it for me. Sorry it wasn't a great review, but I am being completely honest. IM me with your comments. :)
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
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In memory of Aaron Govern |