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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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March 29, 2025

by B.Nina

Wow, what can I say, I just love this band. Having been in town for a few days I had “heard” ( ;) ) some of the setlist but for whatever reason I was still unprepared for what would happen last evening.

I could go on about the band and the setlist but there will be reviews after mine that will address and praise the show. I’m feeling a bit egocentric and only want to focus on ME in this review.

This was my 100th U2 show. It was not to take place in Turin but in Chicago a month or so back, where it all began for me almost three decades ago. Needless to say a certain “frontman” did not feel the need to accommodate my wishes. So what’s a girl to do but jump on a plane and get her 100th show under her belt.

What do you say after seeing a band for the 100th time? I could use the words I have used so many times before: raw energy, magic, mind altering but I think I will use only one word to sum my years of following this band and how I feel at each and everyone of the 100 shows I have attended……blessed.

Thanks to all I meet while in Turin, you made my time here, hmmm…interesting. I look forward to seeing several of you next year in Chicago.

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