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U2 Concert Review: 07/05/2005 at Katowice by Wojciech Stanek

by Wojciech Stanek

The first time I saw U2 live and... in my opinion it was their best concert ever.
As Vertigo Tour began in San Diego I was very glad with the fact they returned to play older songs like these from "Boy". And I would even like them not to play the greatest hits. But in Chorzow the highlight for me was "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". So I still dig the idea of playing "The Electric Co." or "Zoo Station" but playing great hits is also great! So now my favourite U2 songs among all my favourite songs (which means all U2 songs, I know it sounds strange but that's how it is with me) are both "Gone" and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For".
And it was so great to be a part of the great Polish flag!!
The only bad thing was the way Polish concert agency was selling tickets - I almost lost the tickets I already paid for!
I hope U2 will play in my country on the next tour again - maybe even 2 gigs...

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