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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
The show was great, Bono's voice was in top form and the band had a super-high energy level. However, I too was a little disappointed in the short set list and lack of big surpises like we had in the 1st leg Chicago shows.
I thought I would write down as many details about the show as I can remember for those who care and those who don't mind having too much spoiled for them.
Edge was wearing an Unforgettable Fire tour T-shirt (couldn't help but expect a surprise old song because of this, but alas), and Bono had a "2002" pin on his right lapel, not sure what that was supposed to mean.
Elevation - Bono started the song by kneeling and doing the Sign of the Cross and then said something about being happy to be back again.
BD/UTEOTW/NYD - Same as usual, "Two Tribes" snippet included after Until the End.
I Will Follow - Bono sang the usual "ring those bells Edge" line during the bridge, going into the "20 years ago I walked down these streets" routine. He mentioned playing the Metro and then said (paraphrasing) "You changed my life, I've been changed, thank you!", and then went back into the song.
SBS - Took the US flag from the crowd and stood with it at the tip as done in previous shows, starting to wonder if this is a planned moment. The "get up, stand up" snippet was/has been gone.
Wake Up/Stuck - Had not heard WUDM on this tour, sounded great.
Kite - This is where Bono said that they will start playing a Chicago gig every Monday night, which sent the crowd going wild. He then said they would have to move to Chicago, and then they would have to find day jobs to make ends meet. Edge would open a grocery store, Larry would go into Security (of course). Adam then leaned over to Bono and talked in his ear, then Bono said "...and Adam says he'll be Larry's bodyguard." This was a great line and the band was obviously cracking up over this. Then Bono said that he would open a creche, which got just blank stares from the American crowd. Then, he tried to explain, "You know, where people take care of children...", and someone in the heart yelled out the answer. "A daycare, I'll open a daycare," finished Bono to more applause. Then Bono said he wrote this song for his Dad and still thinks of him every day, which led into the song. The added "goodbyes" Bono is putting in the song now before the last verse are great, very poignant. There was no Bono solo acoustic verse at the end of the song, which was a surprise, esp. since this began in Chicago 1st leg.
Desire - Full band at heart, never seen this before either, very cool. No extra snippets at the end.
Stay - As Edge played the opening notes, his acoustic guitar popped a few times, which obviously startled Bono. He said "Edge, are you blowing things up again?" while Edge got his electric Desire guitar back again to play the song. Very weird considering the technical problems Garbage had just had with their set. So, one of the few "plugged in" versions of the song on this tour, not that it sounded much different.
All I Want/Streets - Awesome as always, high energy, very moving. "All I Want Is..." "...YOU!" with crowd was great.
SHF - Bono added "I still do" after "You know I believe it", just like Zoo TV, which was a big thrill for me, even though no one else around us seemed to notice.
Pride - Bono took a fan's poster of MLK at the beginning of the song and then taped it to Larry's bass drum before the last verse.
"Now that's what I call a production!", he said, apparently referring to both MLK and the work it took to get the poster to stay up.
Bullet - Gun video is gone now, just an Indian (far east) sounding chant with a series of cascading light beams through the smoke at the front of the stage. Bono still has the spotlight and shines it on Edge and shakes it to match his guitar tremolo right before the "rap" starts. No big speech anymore, just the standard rap leading up to "Outside it's America...outside...OUTSIDE...OUTSIDE..." over and over while spinning around with the spotlight until the song abruptly ends.
What's Going On/New York - I like What's Going On even though it seems very short. Great line in New York: "Come September, things can change / Summer's love turns into Winter's pain / New York / Even Chicago loves New York".
One - Speech about how they resented IRA radicals casting all Irish Catholics in a bad light, so we shouldn't do the same to Muslims in light of our current tragedy. Also said they have hope for America's future: "We have faith in this country, faith in God to watch over us...and if you don't believe in God, then we have faith in you." Names of 9/11 plane victims scroll on screen--there are so many names that the display spills over into Peace on Earth.
Peace/Walk On - What can you possibly say abou this song to do it justice? Definitely one of the greatest U2 songs ever. The only song that can cancel out any disappointment that the show is over. Bono mentioned Chicago during the "home" portion of the song.
Overall a great night, New York is in for some great shows. Thanks for reading my long ramblings.
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
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In memory of Aaron Govern |