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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by Jeff
Yep, Springsteen showed up and played an interesting version of People Get Ready. It was about 10 minutes long, and I don't think they got any of the words right. They improvised the whole thing, but it was outstanding. What a treat to see Bruce ... I saw him in 1987 when he came on stage (and did People Get Ready) @ JFK Stadium in Philly.
Small world.
Another great show ... they added I Will Follow to the main set, which was a treat. Once again, Electric Co. stole the show. Love when they just turn the house lights on while Edge is taking his lap.
Acoustic Walk On opened the first encore. Then Fast Cars, which is beginning to take on a life of its own. If you're a Larry fan, you'll love it. He goes nuts the entire song. They did it the first night, too. But it was even better at the second show -- Bono encouraged Larry to go nuts at the end. It's awesome.
After Fast Cars, Bono says ... hey Edge, where is that guy with the sign who wants to hear People Get Ready? Oh, there he is (points to a guy in the bomb shelter). This one is for you, pal.
Now, Edge, all we need is a guitar player ... do you think this guy can play the guitar? Enter Springsteen from stage left. Later in the song, his wife Patty (spelling?) comes up from stage right to join in.
It was a great treat. Again, not the best version of the song, but to see Bruce was great. The whole place shouted Bruuuuuuuuuuce about 1,000 times.
And at the end, Bruce and Larry were the only ones left on stage. Bruce had Bono's green guitar, and he starts sauntering off the stage on Edge's side. His last line ... People get ready, there's a train to Jersey.
The place went berserk.
Came back out to With or Without You, and at the end, Bono gave a great speech -- thanking Philly for a great 2 days. He was so sincere and touched ... the crowd was insane both nights.
Then back out to All Because of You and directly into 40.
Saw a setlist afterward, and it included People Get Ready (but no mention of Bruce) with Original of the Species and Bad as the closers.
Neither was played.
Didn't matter.
A GREAT 2 nights. Wow.
Enjoy, D.C.
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
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In memory of Aaron Govern |