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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by Nick Haj
Stadium : Nice, but the sound where we were (upper tier, back right from stage) wasn’t great all the time, though the view was excellent.
Band : 11/10 for effort, they really put in a great shift.
Lowlights : Show was absolutely superb up too and including Unknown Caller, no time to draw breath !! For me Unforgettable F didn’t really work that well live, although the sound issues already noted may not have helped, it just seemed to come across as a bit of a mish mash with a great light show !. Crazy remix was certainly very energetic though I’m not sure why they just don’t play the album version. It was great to get Mysterious Ways at the end (though I was hoping for Bad as the extra !) but to cut the guitar solo at the end is criminal. Streets was great but again, appears to have been cut in length so that they finish by the stadium curfews, if its an issue, start the concert earlier and have a more decent break between the encores plse, like they used too !! Wembley crowd was pretty good, although they only really seemed to get up for the ‘classics’ so I’m afraid songs like Pride, SBS, One and WOWY will be very hard to drop from the setlist on any future tour.
Highlights : Get on Your Boots, Elevation and, especially Vertigo, were awesome and the new songs generally worked very, very well. Still Haven’t Found, where the crowd sung the 1st verse solo, was brilliant and I enjoyed Walk On. Stage is great and the lighting effects excellent (would like to have seen a bit more of the boys on the outer ring).
Overall : 9/10 - A very, very good show but I personally think its maybe a notch below the Vertigo and Elevation tours – but U2 still have the chance to prove me wrong at Cardiff next week. It’s a shame the shows length/content appears to be getting compromised by stadium curfews. U2 have loads of classics which could be swapped in and out with the current crop being played, surely it would stop them getting stale if certain parts of the show were shaken up now and again - I mean, I’d much rather get the Bullet/Running to Stand Still double header now and again in place of SBS and Pride – not too much to ask ?!. Edge - if your reading plse take note :-) Cheers !!!.
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |