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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by Jeff Topping

Well it's been many years since i was at the show, but here's my best account of it. They ripped thru the first two songs, it took them a while to warm up. Seconds was great, and the unforgettable fire was very moving. The lighting truss, in the shape of a large T suddenly jumped down, and hung dangerously low over the crowd, i thought it would fall for sure. They took a break and came back out ready to hit the ground running, very cool. Two hearts was smoking!

For the encore, they did knocking and got some dude in a white t shirt to come up and play the song. We all bit our lips as he struggled to get into it, but in the end the band covered for him fine. (saw him later in the can, he said he sucked terribly). During gloria, i remember looking around and seeing the centrum lit up with houselights and every single person was dancing and clapping, EVERYONE!! How incredible, that was the first time i went to a show where music captivated the fans so strongly.

I posted a ticket stub for documentation.

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