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U2 Concert Review: 12/09/2005 at Buffalo by NoCtUrNaL

by NoCtUrNaL

A few more pictures from the concert...

Also, regarding �Hamburg Dave's� question:

"Pix above from Nocturnal certainly look like Bono, but they say at "6pm" they wandered HSBC and found Bono near the loading dock, yet it's reported that the band didn't arrive until 7:30".

Dave, I don't know about their plane or when it left Boston, but I do know that I took the pictures of Bono at exactly 5:59 pm. I used a digital camera and the EXIF header info reads that time.

As to whether or not it's actually Bono, well, I didn't ask for credentials or DNA, but I don't know many people who look like him, get a State police escort to a concert, and get to enter the arena via the loading area. :)

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