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In memory of Aaron Govern |
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September 7: Monte Carlo
March 2: Las Vegas
March 1: Las Vegas
February 24: Las Vegas
February 23: Las Vegas
by Mike Ruth
Wow!!!! "Dream Out Loud". 14 years of unbelievable, and even unprecidented fan-fare from a modest, yet, enthusiastiac fan, has finally realized his dream. " Majic" is the only way to describe the performances of 4 Irishmem that seemed to give their own souls to a performance, that they have already conquored many times, previous. As a 12 year old, I fell in love with "The Joshua Tree", along with the rest of the world...the rest is history. This was during a period, (at least in a 12 year old's world in 1987), when Gun's N Roses, and Motley Crue, and Poison, and Bon Jovi, and Beastie Boys, where the only "cool" bands alive, and U2 where a bunch of "panzies", and being a (12 year old) U2 fan was uncool. 14 years of iconization was finally realized, last night, in Lexington, KY, at 8:57 pm EDT, when, for the 1st time in my (and my wife's) life, I got to live the "Dream", of meeting the band that I have watched only on tv, and on concert Movies over the years, fanticizing that I was actually at the event, and only on CD tracks that I played repeatedly on my parents surround-sound. U2 emerged onto the stage, (quite unlike the mezmerizing accalaids they personified in the 1990's events), with house lights up. About 20 seconds prior to their entrance, the crowd's approval was deffening.....no music or any prelude was hinting. Then....it happened...Adam....Larry....Edge....Bono.....the arena was so loud, my eyes were shaking. Chills ran up me like a ghost had passed through me. I was prevaliged enough to have Front Row seats, Stage Left....about 5 feet from the Heart stage. I wont go into details of their program, as it has already been posted, however, I feel compelled to let my spirit be known. When they emerged from the curtains, it finally hit me, that I was actually at a U2 concert....that this was not a dream!! 14 years of waiting for them come "see me".....realized in one nano-second. My personal THANKS, you 4 guys. Most U2 fans have already experienced that "Majic" that I only experienced last night for the first time. My vocabulary is not equipped to accurately describe what happened to me,spiritually, when becoming one with them at a live event for the 1st time, (and not the last). But, I know that many of you already know!!
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A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
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In memory of Aaron Govern |
A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History |
Contact Us: news@U2tours.com |
In memory of Aaron Govern |