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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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by zoofly

Back from Chicago and now I can rant about the shows!!!! Tuesday was fabulous, and thanks to my new friend made in the GA line, Holly (I love you girl!!! I am forever in your debt), I made it into the Bomb Shelter! How they mixed things up so well was terrific. 'For the First Time' and 'Walk On' just split my head open with a Chesire cat grin! 'Discotheque' was my wish-list song and I got it, and I burned the soles of my shoes off rockin' out to this version.."This is a love song!!!!!!" There are just so many things stuck in my mind from the show, images, feelings...it wasn't all about the music you know....if you've been to a U2, then you know what I mean.

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