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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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U2 Concerts in Summit

U2 has performed 5 times in Summit. Those performances included 49 unique songs and an overall total of 97 songs.

Summit is located in Houston, Texas

The Summit was a multi-purpose arena located in Houston, Texas. It opened in 1975 and was home to the NBA's Houston Rockets from then until the team moved to a new arena in 2003. Two years later, Lakewood Church began leasing the building from the city of Houston and the building underwent a massive renovation. The building is now owned by the Lakewood Chuch.

In 1998, the Summit was renamed the Compaq Center and it remained so until it became a campus of Lakewood Church in 2005.

The building fomerly known as the Summit is located at 3700 Southwest Freeway in Houston, Texas.