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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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U2 Concerts in Europe

U2 has performed 989 times in Europe, with a total of 14689 songs.

Austria 6 203
Belgium 29 587
Bosnia-Herzegovina 2 30
Croatia 2 66
Czech Republic 1 31
Denmark 11 316
England 259 3093
Finland 4 119
France 58 1231
Germany 73 1739
Greece 3 64
Hungary 1 31
Ireland 300 1721
Italy 45 1052
Monaco 3 2
Netherlands 55 1141
Northern Ireland 16 245
Norway 6 129
Poland 3 93
Portugal 8 233
Russia 1 35
Scotland 30 671
Spain 28 761
Sweden 21 565
Switzerland 14 338
Turkey 2 32
Ukraine 1 11
Vatican City 1 4
Wales 6 146
 989 Total14689