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U2 Concert Review: 12/07/2005 at Hartford by Prettyboy

by Prettyboy

Wow-what a show. I have been a fan for years and this was my first show. I have taken a while to post my review - just to let the show digest and take it all in. Me and my wife sat in the nosebleeds directly behind Larry. I have never sat behind the stage for a show so this was new experience. Didn't miss a beat and they catered to us as much as they could. Really disappointed in the crowd. Most of the crowd sat on their arse. I have been reading up on the reviews from the last bunch of concerts and it seems anyone who was disappointed in the show were the ones who have seen them 15 times over the years or 5 times on this tour. What do you expect? Maybe if you didn't see them so much you would actually enjoy the show. Quit your bitchin' and let someone like me buy the ticket and I will enjoy it much more than you-no matter what they play.....On to the show. What a great way to open the show. City was nailed right on. I was hoping they would play this as the opener. Saw the Chicago video the night before as a little tease. I saw Metallica 7th row on the Justice tour w/ Queensryche and that was the most intense show I have ever seen. Metal is more my speed and I left that show metally and phiscally drained. After this U2 show I was drained in a different way. Spirtually? Not sure. But this show was by the far the best show I have ever seen. Streets is my favorite and the goosbumps were coming out. WOWY is my least favorite song but I even have new found respect after hearing that sone played live. You can't begin and end a show as well as the boys did. I did get a sense that the guys were bit tired - as expected though. 40 was awesome. Beautiful Day, Gloria, SYCMIOYO were perfect. Can't wait until the next tour. We were in Dublin for our honeymoon when they were finishing up Bomb and we hung out at the Octagon-Bono's bar. You just can't help but feel like you are a part of something special when you listen to these guys live or on CD/DVD. Rock on!

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