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U2 Concert:
May 17, 2017 at Santa Clara , CA

Tour: Joshua Tree 2017 Tour 1st Leg (North America) 
Venue: Levi's Stadium 
Location: Santa ClaraCA  United States 

See more concerts in the San Francisco area. 

Attendance: 50,072  (Capacity: 50,072)

Opening Act(s):

Releases Represented:

  1. The Joshua Tree had 11 songs
  2. The Unforgettable Fire had 3 songs
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind had 2 songs
  4. War had 2 songs
  5. Achtung Baby had 2 songs
  6. Original Soundtracks 1 had 1 songs
  7. Songs Of Experience had 1 songs


News Report


With a 10:00 PM local curfew, there are rumors the band will start the show early ... rumors that end up being totally unfounded.

"With Or Without You" is a mess tonight, as Adam seems to repeat his opening bass line twice and throws Bono off in the process. He stops singing as the band gets itself together, and the song eventually picks up midway through the first verse.

Bono namechecks Hozier (who's at the show) during "Bullet The Blue Sky."

Also at the show are innumerable titans from the tech industry. Bono mentions many of them during a long intro to "One" -- Apple's Jony Ive, Steve Jobs' wife Laurene Powell, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and more. Bono even pulls a (RED) iPhone out of his pocket and shows it off while he talks about Apple's contributions to his humanitarian causes.


U2 - Santa Clara, May 17, 2017

ATU2/U2 Tours Santa Clara photo slideshow

Tags: El Pueblo Vencera, Hear Us Coming, Lord

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