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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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U2 Concert:
Sep 24, 2015 at Berlin

Tour: Innocence + Experience Tour 2nd Leg (Europe) 
Venue: Mercedes-Benz Arena 
Location: BerlinGermany 

See more concerts in the Berlin area. 

Attendance: 14,449  (Capacity: 14,449)

Releases Represented:

  1. Songs Of Innocence had 6 songs
  2. Achtung Baby had 5 songs
  3. The Joshua Tree had 3 songs
  4. All That You Can't Leave Behind had 2 songs
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb had 2 songs
  6. Boy had 2 songs
  7. The Unforgettable Fire had 1 songs
  8. October had 1 songs
  9. War had 1 songs
  10. Non-Album Singles had 1 songs

Comments: U2 brings the Innocence + Experience tour to Berlin, the city where Achtung Baby was recorded, and tonight's show has a heavy dose of songs and references to that album. Most notably, "Zoo Station" is played for the first time since the Vertigo Tour on November 16, 2006. The band does it on the e-stage, sandwiched in between regulars "Even Better Than The Real Thing" and "Mysterious Ways," for a triple-shot of Achtung Baby tracks. With "One" in the encore and other regulars being played tonight, the show has five full songs from Achtung Baby. Bono also does a snippet of "Ultraviolet" and the intermission video is "The Fly," giving the German audience a chance to hear most of the songs from the album U2 recorded in this city 25 years ago. "Volcano" was listed on pre-show setlists, but was dropped in favor of "Zoo Station."

U2 on Tour

Last 5 Shows

September 7: Monte Carlo

March 2: Las Vegas

March 1: Las Vegas

February 24: Las Vegas

February 23: Las Vegas

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