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U2 Tours (formerly part of AtU2): A Comprehensive Guide To U2’s Live Performance History
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U2 Concert:
Aug 09, 2009 at Zagreb

Tour: U2 360 Tour 1st Leg (Europe) 
Venue: Maksimir Stadium 
Location: ZagrebCroatia 

See more concerts in the Zagreb area. 

Attendance: 62,006  (Capacity: 62,006)

Opening Act(s):

Releases Represented:

  1. No Line On The Horizon had 7 songs
  2. All That You Can't Leave Behind had 3 songs
  3. The Unforgettable Fire had 3 songs
  4. Achtung Baby had 3 songs
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb had 2 songs
  6. The Joshua Tree had 2 songs
  7. War had 1 songs
  8. Zooropa had 1 songs
  9. Cover Songs had 1 songs

Comments: Bono leads the crowd in singing "Happy Birthday" to The Edge after "Until The End Of The World."  Bono does an unknown rap during "Sunday Bloody Sunday" which does not appear to be from another song.

Tags: Hear Us Coming, Lord

U2 on Tour

Last 5 Shows

September 7: Monte Carlo

March 2: Las Vegas

March 1: Las Vegas

February 24: Las Vegas

February 23: Las Vegas

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